From Maths, Science, Geography to English, to utilise online games and apps in a classroom can motivate students in learning new subjects and at the same time to reinforce their digital development. Nowadays there are hundreds of web pages with free online games that can be used in school or after class at home. We can distinguish those that are one hundred percent digital, to play on a device, from others that can be combined with printed materials or peer-to-peer exercises.

A game-based learning experience can be positive both for students and teachers, while they’re having fun and enjoying learning, thereby strengthening teacher-student and student-student relationships. The interaction and active nature of online games engages them, connecting to new concepts in a more friendly and informal environment, allowing pupils to make mistakes and easily revisit these to correct. Building social skills within a virtual environment is one of the benefits that practicing online and hands-on games in a classroom can bring.

Every student learns differently, but games can provide a custom learning experience that can help improve their understanding and enhance their digital skills. One of the benefits of utilising ITC at school is to break the barrier of gaming not only for fun but, also for learning. To deploy a game-based learning experience can be especially positive for those subjects that students are having difficulty with and towards which they feel sometimes less attracted to.

An increasing number of games are being developed with an educational objective. In this trend publishing houses for school books are starting to include, softwares and games to complete exercises on a digital device to their traditional learning methods. This tendency and actualization draw students into a more virtual education that can improve their eskills.

To know how CRISS introduces technologies in the educational process and the different solutions that brings for schools, teachers and students, you can read the Technology section within our Project tab information on our website.