Each year, education advances towards a future that will be marked by technological challenges. The digital competences of your students are the indispensable tools to face it. Fortunately, pedagogical trends are going at the speed of changes. We tell you what is the latest in educational innovation so that, as a teacher, you put it into practice.

Exclusive digital competence

Learn about some of the trends that will continue to transform the educational experience in the classroom throughout 2019.

Game-based learning: gamification

Apart from entertaining, they contribute to fix content and consolidate long-term memory. Your students will assimilate the content of the annual projects in a fun and fast way. You will notice it in their grades.

Cloud Computing

The storage of information in the Cloud continues to be a trend this year, since it facilitates (and greatly) your teaching work.

Adaptive learning

It is a personalized learning that is possible thanks to the applied technology. It adapts to the specific educational demands of each student.

Artificial Intelligence and Learning Assistant

It involves using artificial intelligence as a guide for students, personalizing learning to the fullest. Assistance (through virtual platforms) to students with special needs is the main objective of this trend.

Learning analytics

Learning analytics focus on the analysis of the data that your students obtain of the digital devices to adapt the education.


It consists in making available to students small modules with specific themes. Through videos, stories, short texts and interactive tests they can learn at their own pace and style, from any device, that is, from anywhere.

Critical digital literacy

Children in primary and secondary education already have certain digital skills. Internet and social networks are for them the main sources of information. The current trend seeks to be able to distinguish secure sources of information from those that are not.

Teaching through audiovisual media

It is part of an indispensable cultural training for students. It involves using short films, documentaries or films for educational purposes. Children and youth are fascinated.


Some educational institutions have applied it with pedagogical objectives, although they still constitute a minority.

Immersive learning: virtual reality and augmented reality

It is the use of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) in the teaching-learning process. Your students, already familiar with the RV and the AR, will show a strong inclination to take advantage of them at school.

You already know the latest trends in educational innovation. Do you dare to continue with the changes? Keep awakening in your students the curiosity and the desire to learn every day. Your progress will be your best reward.